
Experienced association executive committed to the values of diversity, equity, access, and inclusion who is approachable, collaborative and resourceful.

Essential Association and Non-Profit Management Services

Board and Committee Support

  • Provide experienced, professional association staff tailored to your organization’s needs such as Chief Staff Executive (Executive Director, CEO, or Association Manager), Meeting Planner, Accountant, Fundraiser, Graphic Design and Communications, Administrative support and more
  • Successfully lead so your organization meets or exceeds strategic, membership, conference and financial goals
  • Support your volunteer leaders with all of their needs
  • Provide daily management of your association
  • Work with your board and committees to develop agendas, minutes, supporting materials, follow up and all else needed for successful meetings
  • Serve as a resource for association and professional society best practices
  • Attend board and committee meetings
  • Assist the board and committees with identifying goals and following up as needed to meet deadlines
  • Handle requests from board and committees so they can focus on the strategic goals of the association

Financial Management

  • Develop, recommend, and oversee organizational financial and business planning to achieve strategic objectives.
  • Follow internal control policies and procedures and make recommendations to prevent and address financial/accounting irregularities and inappropriate fund accounting.
  • Daily, monthly and annual financial management duties, including
    • Budgeting and Planning
    • Long Term Goal Analysis
    • IRS Compliance Reporting
    • Investment Strategy Development and Implementation
    • Monthly Financial Statements
    • Insurance Policy Oversight
    • Facilitate An Annual Independent Review and Audit

Fundraising, Sponsorship, and Development Programs

  • Analyze data to assist in identifying appropriate non dues revenue generating vehicles for accomplishing organization goals.
  • Establish a development framework, such as foundations, endowments, annual giving, and grant writing to align with and advance the organization’s mission.
  • Implement a sponsorship strategy that involves working collaboratively with interested sponsors to create bundled packages tailored to their budget, interests, and market.
  • Management special fundraising events, including:
    • Silent Auctions
    • Golf Tournaments
    • Fashion Shows
    • Charity Dinners
    • Online Giving
    • Year End Donation Drive

Membership Development

  • Identify the needs and views of current and potential members to create and prioritize effective strategies for member engagement.
  • Develop, implement and manage membership recruitment and retention programs to meet membership goals.
  • Raise awareness of the ethical standards to foster a community which encourages members to identify and adhere to the ethical standards of professional conduct.

Programs, Products, and Services

  • Develop relevant programs, products, and services that align with the organization’s strategic goals and vales while responding to the needs and interests of the stakeholder.
  • Direct and evaluate needs assessments and market research to evaluate the feasibility of introducing, modifying, or discontinuing programs, products, and services.
  • Formulate and implement marketing plans to increase awareness and participation in programs, products and services.
  • Manage planning, logistics and operations to achieve successful meetings and events.
  • Design and implement methods to measure outcomes and improve future educational events.

Certification, Accreditation, and Licensure

  • Assess the needs and interests of the stakeholder to develop relevant professional development programs, products and services.
  • Manage credentialing programs that define and promote professional standards for members.
  • Ensure credentialing programs meet technical standards to remain valid and reliable.
  • Create and manage apprenticeship programs
  • Evaluate and plan the use of multiple methods and delivery systems to appropriately address all member needs.

Public Policy, Government Relations and Coalition Building

  • Monitor and collect relevant information to support the organization’s public policy objectives.
  • Adapt public policy strategies to changing circumstances to remain current and achieve organizational goals.
  • Mobilize grassroots advocacy program to advance the organization’s public policy agenda.
  • Build and nurture relationships with partners and allies to address issues of common interest.

Marketing, Public Relations and Communications

  • Enhance and maintain your website with fresh, compelling content using the latest design trends
  • Manage your social media presence
  • Engage your members through online communities
  • Develop press releases
  • Lead grassroots advocacy campaigns
  • Identify channels for brand expansion and awareness to expand markets.
  • Formulate and articulate appropriate responses to inquires from the media and the public to ensure that all relevant parties are properly informed.
  • Establish a policy for responding to external factors and capitalizing on opportunities.
  • Manage publications, formats, business models, and delivery systems to meet the diverse needs and interests of members and stakeholders.
  • Work with authors, editors, reviewers, and advertisers to develop and produce organization publications in accordance with established policies.
  • Establish brand standards to define the features, benefits and values of the organization to stakeholders and other audiences.
  • Integrate the brand in all programs, services and activities to reinforce the organization’s value.